Forums - SSF2T rankings Show all 41 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Fighting Game Discussion ( -- SSF2T rankings ( Posted by Latinofighter on 01:30:2001 11:15 PM: could anybody tell me the rankings in that ryu is number 1 and so on? or if not, could you tell me who used to be really good at that game? Posted by omni on 01:30:2001 11:37 PM: The sort of accepted top tier is Balrog, Old Sagat, Bison, Dhalsim and Ryu. 2nd Tier is where things start getting really hazy IMO - but Vega, Ken, DJ, Guile, Honda, etc all battle it out for 2nd tier. Who used to be really good at the game? Umm...a lot of people are good. Mike Watson, Bob Painter, Joel Frank, Sam Kim, John Choi, Graham Wolfe, Alex Wolfe, Jason Nelson, Jason Cole, etc were names you always heard when the game was out. Now you always hear names like Mike Watson, Alex Valle, John Choi, Jason Wilson, Jason Deherras, Omar Deloney, Jumpsuit Jesse, Seth Killian, etc. Derek Daniels Posted by Latinofighter on 01:30:2001 11:55 PM: Thanks, that's exactly what i wanted to know Posted by ghgh on 01:31:2001 12:23 AM: 2 questions: 1) Have you not seen a decent ChunLi? She's not top tier? Give me some reasons (anyone) that she is not top tier. 2) Is Jumpsuit Jesse the dudes real name? thx Posted by omni on 01:31:2001 12:38 AM: quote: Originally posted by ghgh: 2 questions: 1) Have you not seen a decent ChunLi? She's not top tier? Give me some reasons (anyone) that she is not top tier. I have played against arguably one of the best Chun Li's in the country, Seth's. I think she beats Old Ken, goes even or so with Ryu, but loses to a lot of other chars, such as Old Sagat, Balrog, Dhalsim, Guile, etc. She has some good tricks involving stored super, her jump short is good, her up kick helps - but overall she isn't going to win a tournament (no matter what Seth keeps telling himself). quote: 2) Is Jumpsuit Jesse the dudes real name? hahaha, no. At Chicago in 1997 for the SF3 tournament, there were 2 Jesses - Jesse Howard and Jesse Cardenas (Jumpsuit Jesse) and we were having problems distinguishing between the 2 when we were talking about them (especially since both played Fei Long in ST). Who originally came up with the name, no one knows. Sirlin claims credit, Ponder claims credit, I claim credit - shrug. I'm pretty sure it was one of us, prolly all 3 of us were talking or something, it was a long time ago. Anyways, Jesse Cardenas wore this red/blue jumpsuit thing like the first day so we kept referring to him as, 'Jumpsuit Jesse' then later on (maybe still at the tourney?) he heard one of us actually call him that. But being the awesome guy that he is, he didn't get mad or anything and started using it as his nickname online and stuff. The name has just stuck and in the world of SF, he will always be known as, 'Jumpsuit Jesse'. Derek Daniels Posted by DavestA on 01:31:2001 06:02 AM: Ya i personally think balrog is the best player in the game cuz of the AMAZING amount of damage that he does , Posted by JoelFrank on 01:31:2001 08:36 AM: SSF2T rankings (but I haven't been around for a while so maybe I'm wrong): O. Sagat O. Ken Ryu Balrog Bison Dhalsim O. Guile Vega Honda DeeJay O. Fei Chun Zangief T. Hawk Blanka Cammy This includes both a combination of the capability of the character and the quality of play I have witnessed of the character. I feel Balrog is somewhat overrated by players; he really does have his weaknesses. A honed Sagat can beat just about any character most of the time. Also, I am probably giving Guile a little more credit than he deserves =) Posted by JumpsuitJesse on 01:31:2001 06:51 PM: Omni hit the nail right on the head. That is exactly how I got my name I wore alot of "jumpsuits" to the tournament because I use to be into breakdancing bigtime and I would dance in a local Houston B-Boy crew. Now I just wear them for the hell of it. I have this really pimp ass "Playboy Brand" jumpsuit that is black with red stripes...just ask some of the guys who were at the recent Houston tournament! Now, about the characters. Chun Li is definitely a BITCH! She can give many fighters a hard time and her air superiority is insane(jumping short, anyone?). She has a very hard time against OG Sagat because of her huge jumps...they leave her open bigtime! Seth is about as good a Chun player as I have ever seen. Like Omni said before, in ST some fighters have natural abilities that are better than other fighters. This is where the skill level comes in. A match where Ryu fighting Sagat in a series of 10 matches might typically be Ryu-4 and Sagat-6...but that is the average matchup. On the other hand you get OG Ken vs Sagat in the same scenario and the match would look more like OG Ken-2 Sagat-8...because Ken doesnt have abilities that make the fight easier like Ryu has(short hurricane kick). BUT, there is always exceptions to the rule. Every match can be won, even by an underdog will just be hella tuff to do. Many people seem to forget the sick comeback factor in ST. You never know if the win is truly yours until you see your opponent KO'ed LOL! Character rankings by natural ability would look something like to this to me.(Please note that each player has their own vision of who outranks who..) 1. Balrog 2. Dhalsim 3. Og Sagat 3. Bison 4. Ryu 4. New Fei Long 5. Guile 5. New Ken 5. Og Ken 6. Chun Li 7. Zangief 8. Dee Jay 10. E. Honda 11. T.Hawk 12. Blanka 13. Cammy Just remember. Most rankings are based on natural ability, and match win ratios between to opponents of relatively equal skill on the game. The fact is that no 2 players are ever equal in skill so don't find it surprising when you find someone whoopin ass with an oddball fighter JumpsuitJesse Frank Dux: "Eeef we hof to fite foh her den bof of us would be trown otta dee kumite. Jos foh her?? We can arrange dis anoder wey. Do you gamble??" Hussein: "What is bet?" Frank Dux: (Hold up a quarter) "You hold dis. Eef I con grob eet befoh you close your hand...I git dee guhl. Eef I con not...cheese yours!" Girl: "What! You cant do this!" Frank Dux: "Jost relax." (winks at the girl and places an american quarter in Husseins hand). Frank Dux: "ready??" Hussein: "GO!" Frank Dux: (Swipes his hand over Husseins) Hussein: "HA! JOO LOOSE AMEDICON AZZHOLE! HEHEHEHE" Bloodsport [This message has been edited by JumpsuitJesse (edited 01-31-2001).] Posted by BillyKane on 01:31:2001 07:24 PM: What's the difference between Old and New characters and how do you "get" them (I'm new to this game) ? Posted by Latinofighter on 01:31:2001 07:34 PM: How was blanka played? what should i abuse with him, good anti air and such Posted by Brandon Lee on 01:31:2001 08:19 PM: quote: Originally posted by BillyKane: What's the difference between Old and New characters and how do you "get" them (I'm new to this game) ? Old characters take after their incarnations from SSF2, meaning the loss of super moves, new specials gained (if that character gained a new move for SSF2T), and the ability to tech hit throws. New characters are simply just using the characters on the select screen, using the characters as they are (without using the code to change the fighters to a previous version). Posted by BillyKane on 01:31:2001 08:45 PM: Thanks a lot. I just got the game for DC, I suppose the Old characters must be in the game since it's a direct arcade port... Would you happen to know the code to pick them ? Posted by JumpsuitJesse on 01:31:2001 09:33 PM: Well Billy, If you notice on the character select screen in arcade mode, the characters go straight across from left to right, one on top ond one on bottom. So lets say you want Old Ryu, you would press punch and then start moving the stick(pad)left and right really fast WHILE mashing the punch button you pressed. Since Ryu and Ken are in the same paired row the code would be the same for Ken also. If you wanna pick Old Honda or Old Chun Li you would press punch, then move the stick(pad) UP and DOWN quickly while mashing the punch button. So basically its a matter of moving the stick up/down or left/right depending on the fighters. Ryu and Ken-Left n Right Honda and Chun-Up n Down Blanka and Gief-Left n Right Guile and Dhalsim-Up n Down Balrog and Vega-Left n Right Sagat and Bison-Up n Down You get the picture...the key to making it work is picking the fighter first(press punch), and then start doing the code motion and punch button mashing. There are specific codes to picking old fighters but doing what I said gets the same result. JumpsuitJesse "Now twai again! Dis time wiff feewing!" The Kentucky Fried Movie Posted by BillyKane on 01:31:2001 09:46 PM: Thanks Jumpsuit Jesse, the code works perfectly indeed. Your ST thread is cool, keep up the good work. It's great to see that you take time to help newbies. ST is basically dead here ( Paris, France ) but me and my friends are still into old-school fighting. Posted by Jinmaster on 01:31:2001 10:23 PM: Do old characters do more damage than new characters? -Micah -Micah "I made a balanced fighter for you: Ryu-fest 2000. You can pick Ryu(with white clothes)!, or Ryu!(with dark clothes)!. Posted by JumpsuitJesse on 01:31:2001 10:45 PM: There are quite a few differences between new and old versions of each fighter. For instance, Old Ken...he has a faster release on his fireball, faster walking speed, slower jab fireball, invincible dragon punch all the way up, and he can 2 in one off of limbs that new versions cant(like fully extended fierce punch). But he also has super, inability to tech throw, no overhead attacks, no new moves make his basic arsenal limited(not to say that his regular arsenal isnt good). Supposedly old fighters take off more damage, but I only see this to be true with Og Sagat...ever see how much his Tiget Uppercut takes off?? Dayum! I personally don't like the old fighters because their weaknesses outweight their strengths but there are quite a few players out there who are very good with old fighters... John Choi-Old Ryu and Old Sagat Jesse Howard-Old Ken and Old Fei Long I am sure there are others but I cant remember them. Experiment and find out which versions work for you.. JumpsuitJesse "What if C-A-T really spelled DOG?!" Ogre: Revenge of the Nerds 2 Nerds in Paradise Posted by Jinmaster on 01:31:2001 11:21 PM: Questions, What makes old fei long better? What can Fei long do to a vega who pokes with strong and does the kick-anti air when I jump? What is the accepted strategy for fighting Balrog with Ryu and Sagat? Why would you want to give up tech throws and a super fireball for O.ryu? What does O.ryu have? Nelson and cole told me that Zangief beats Bison for free. Why is that? Lastly, how do I beat honda, I get thrown like a doll by a solid honda for some reason. Well, thats a lot of questions, but if you would answer them jump, I'd be very appreciative. Thanks again. -Micah "I made a balanced fighter for you: Ryu-fest 2000. You can pick Ryu(with white clothes)!, or Ryu!(with dark clothes)!" Posted by omni on 01:31:2001 11:49 PM: quote: Originally posted by Jinmaster: Questions, What makes old fei long better? I think New is better now (I used to think Old was better) overall. Old Fei can buffer rekka off of Low Forward, Low Fierce, and Standing Short. Being able to buffer off of far standing Short is really really helpful versus old sagat. I'm sure Jumpsuit Jesse might be able to add more than this. quote: What can Fei long do to a vega who pokes with strong and does the kick-anti air when I jump? I'll let JSJ handle this. quote: What is the accepted strategy for fighting Balrog with Ryu and Sagat? Your basic strategy with anyone who has a projectile against Balrog is to keep Balrog out with projectiles, then counter his headbutt attempts to get around the fireballs, then stop throwing fireballs when he has meter built up ^_^. Watch the B4 tape to see how Valle plays Old Sagat vs. Balrog - it really is textbook like that. With Ryu, the match is a little more dynamic but things you want to watch out for is that low strong will beat almost all of Balrog's rushes, you can short hurricane kick over low rush, and air hurricane kick will cross Balrog up. Just play a standard fireball trapping Ryu from that point on. quote: Why would you want to give up tech throws and a super fireball for O.ryu? What does O.ryu have? Cause if played well - you shouldn't be in a position where you are going to be thrown and people usually stop doing 'dumb' things once they see the super bar flash. Overall - as a pure shoto, I think Old Ryu is better than new. However, the overhead, rushing fierce, jump strong juggle, and super make it up for it (and also makes him more fun to play). A good case is versus Bison, who basically has no way out of a true fireball trap without meter. Old Ryu rapes him worse than New - although New kills him also. Old Ryu potentially might be better than New versus Old Sagat since it's nothing but a fireball war. I also like Old versus Guile and DJ. quote: Nelson and cole told me that Zangief beats Bison for free. Why is that? Cause bison doesn't have a good wake up (scissor kick and torpedo both suck 90% of the time) to get out of ticks. His anti air isn't that great either, so the basic game Zangief wants to play is to either move forward and knock him down and go for spd ticks or jump in and go for spd ticks. Of course, getting in on Bison is easier said than done. quote: Lastly, how do I beat honda, I get thrown like a doll by a solid honda for some reason. Stay far far far far far away from Honda. Derek Daniels Posted by JumpsuitJesse on 02:01:2001 12:32 AM: Ok Jin, I will try to answer as best as I can... "What makes old fei long better?" _____________________________________ Alot of players say that Old Fei Long is supposedly better than New Fei. I strongly disagree. Old Fei has 1 great thing about him and that is the ability to 2 in 1 off of ANY of his limbs except roundhouse. That means that you can low forward kick into rekka punches with more range. Other than that Old Fei doesn't have jack on New Fei. New Fei has a super combo that goes through everything and is invincible up until the last hit. This is a HUGE advantage that new Fei has. New Fei has a better crossup attack than Old Fei. New Fei has a crossup forward kick that has a bigger hit box than Old Fei's crossup roundhouse. New Fei has a hopping overhead kick(toward+forward kick)that is hella fast and really effective. Old Fei has no overhead(i think). New Fei has the triple air dragon kick that juggles, serves as a combo starter, has crazy air priority and it has a small invincibility window at the start up frames. Fei has no such kick at all. New Fei can tech hit from throws too, and he has an air throw. Psssh...yeah...Old Fei is better So look at what each Fei has and you be the judge! "What can Fei long do to a vega who pokes with strong and does the kick-anti air when I jump?" _____________________________________________ Fighting Vega can be extremely difficult! When you fight him you gotta be in just the right range where your rekka punches can connect but he cant reach you with his low strong. Fei's rekka punches are so fast that it almost takes pure anticipation to counter it perfectly. Normally you would do 2 fierce rekka punches from max distance and do the 3rd one with jab so that you bounce back to safety and out of range but this wont work against Vaga since his low strong is so long! So what do you do?? Mix your rekkas up! Maybe do a jab rekka that doesnt connect and fake him into sticking out a limb and pop it with a flame kick! Move in and out of range and do low fierce/low forward since they both have good priority. As long as you win the trading of hits you will be ok. Once you knock him down its all mindgames from there. Stay in his face and fake him out as much as possible and tick throw whenever they are not expecting it and when they do expect it just pop them with a flame kick, rekka punches, or super. The best strategy is NOT to jump in...Vega wants you to jump in so dont do it. Stay grounded because this is where Fei is at his best. Also, a good way to counter Vega's off the wall attacks are jumping jab(my favorite), jump away roundhouse, triple air juggle kick, or flame kick. Remember, Vega is alot like can hit his limbs! So use this to your advantage. "What is the accepted strategy for fighting Balrog with Ryu and Sagat?" _____________________________________________ My best guess would be to play keep away. Zone the shit outta Balrog and limit his options by throwing fireballs in his face and poppin his rush attacks with well timed upercuts. There's a whole deep strategy to zone patterns that I dont know about. I don't like to play keep away. Ask anyone and they will tell you that I like to rush my opponents down. Maybe someone with a better understanding of fireball traps can help you out in this dept! "Why would you want to give up tech throws and a super fireball for O.ryu? What does O.ryu have?" _____________________________________________ Simple. New Ryu is the only fighter in the game who can throw fireball as fast as Og Sagat! Almost instantaneous! Dont forget that Old Ryu has an invincible dragon punch and faster overall movement. Many players are comfortable playing Old Ryu because he is just plain solid. A good fighter. Both Old and New Ryu are excellent fighters to use IMO. Oh, and maybe players just like him because of the cool white gi and the red headband! "Nelson and cole told me that Zangief beats Bison for free. Why is that?" _____________________________________________ Oh really?? They told you that?? You shoulda asked them WHY AND HOW!!?? LOL!! All I know is that Bison is hella fast and he has that annoying standing forward/roundhouse kick that can keep Zangief away very effectively. Again, you may wanna wait n see who else has more knowledge on this fight since I dont play gief against Bison very often Tell Nelson and Cole I said "WHAAAAZZZZZZAAAAAAAP!" "Lastly, how do I beat honda, I get thrown like a doll by a solid honda for some reason." _____________________________________________ Getting beat by Honda, eh?? Well, who are you trying to beat him with?? Overall I think a good strategy to beat him is based on keepaway traps, and precise counters. Honda dies to a really good shoto...unless that honda player is super patient and precise with his moves. If you tell me who you are using I can give you better explanations. Let me know if I can be of more help to ya! JumpsuitJesse "What! Do you let your Mom comb your ass hair for you too, man!!?" Trip: Detroit Rock City Posted by Jinmaster on 02:01:2001 01:53 AM: First I want to thank both Jump and Omni for helping out my shitty turbo game. Now for more questions: "New Fei has the triple air dragon kick that juggles, serves as a combo starter, has crazy air priority and it has a small invincibility window at the start up frames." My question is, are you talking about the DP kick special? It juggles 3 times? Or is it an air move? And could you please tell me how to do his super? Thanks. "Also, a good way to counter Vega's off the wall attacks are jumping jab(my favorite), jump away roundhouse, triple air juggle kick, or flame kick." Is there a universal way to stuff vega when he goes off the wall? Just curious. Again, it seems this triple kick is different from the dp....flame kick? "Oh really?? They told you that?? You shoulda asked them WHY AND HOW!!?? LOL!! All I know is that Bison is hella fast and he has that annoying standing forward/roundhouse kick that can keep Zangief away very effectively. Again, you may wanna wait n see who else has more knowledge on this fight since I dont play gief against Bison very often Tell Nelson and Cole I said "WHAAAAZZZZZZAAAAAAAP!"" Heh, I'll mention it next time I see them.I think I was playing and cole said "watch, one button" or something. I won one round by doing just as you said: I poked the hell out of him with s.forward and did a few S.short-throw ticks. That was the second round though, and I got owned the last round. It was just that the way they were talking about it, it sounded accepted. "Getting beat by Honda, eh?? Well, who are you trying to beat him with?? Overall I think a good strategy to beat him is based on keepaway traps, and precise counters. Honda dies to a really good shoto...unless that honda player is super patient and precise with his moves. If you tell me who you are using I can give you better explanations." Yes I suck at old-school. I'm trying though. Sorry for such a broad question, but peter beat the shit out of all my characters becuase I never fought a good honda in tubro....ever. I'll just play better next time. =P New question, can you explain how the juggle system in turbo works? I don't understand why Bison can strong me 3 times in a row. What are the rules and how do you do them with Ryu, Sagat, Bison, Fei, and/or balrog? Ok, now a balrog question, when he throws me, he gets a free crossup with some kind of downwrd punch move that I seem to have to block. He seems close enough to throw if I mash, but I never get to and I get hit by a combo. Can I DP after he throws me and tries the crossup? Ok, I think that's it for the moment. Again, thanks guys for help with my lack of old-schoolness. =p -Micah "I made a balanced fighter for you: Ryu-fest 2000. You can pick Ryu(with white clothes)!, or Ryu!(with dark clothes)!" Posted by JumpsuitJesse on 02:01:2001 10:10 PM: Ah, need more help, eh Jin?? "My question is, are you talking about the DP kick special? It juggles 3 times? Or is it an air move? And could you please tell me how to do his super? Thanks" _____________________________________________ The so called "triple air kick" is Fei Long's juggling kick and it is executed by going DOWN BACK-DOWN-DOWN FORWARD-FORWARD-UP FORWARD and PRESS KICK. It's basically the same as Sagat's Tiger Knee. It's a ground move that has multiple purposes and helps to get in when playing against fireballers. "Is there a universal way to stuff vega when he goes off the wall? Just curious. Again, it seems this triple kick is different from the dp....flame kick" Fei Long's flame kick(reverse dragon punch motion+kick) is always a good anti-air counter, but Fei has other good air counters like jumping jab, jumping roundhouse, and his triple air kick(but you gotta do it early for it to be effective). If in doubt, just try to do a short flame kick. In fact, always use the short version of the flame kick. It's fast, and it recovers almost as fast as Ken's Jab Dragon Punch. Use the bigger versions if you wanna be fancy "New question, can you explain how the juggle system in turbo works? I don't understand why Bison can strong me 3 times in a row. What are the rules and how do you do them with Ryu, Sagat, Bison, Fei, and/or balrog?" The juggle system in ST is pretty simple. You can juggle up to 3 hits and follow up with a super for additional hits. For example, if I am using opponent can jump in and I react by jumping toward him and catching him with a juggling strong punch...this punch will hit twice and will knock him high in the air...when I land I jump toward him again and smack another jumping strong...again I will land first with just enough time to hit him with the super fb...the super will not connect all 5 hits but it does tack on a bit more damage. Fei Long can juggle opponents with his triple air kick and then hit them with a few hits of his super before they land. Ryu can juggle with his jumping strong and also do the same with his super. Bison can do his super first(scissor kick) and then juggle them with jumping strong! I have only seen Sagat do his super first and then follow up with another fierce tiger uppercut, but only in the corner. I dont know shit about Balrogs juggles The system works both ways too...I can do a super with Fei and land all five hits and if my opponent is in the air after the last hit I can juggle him with the triple air kick after that. Ryu can do a variation of opponent is in Ryu's face and tries to jump back but Ryu does his super and grazes him in mid air as his opponent jumps back..only hitting him twice...Ryu can follow up with jumping strong for 2 more hits. You have to experiment with the juggle's the hardest but it's also the most rewarding since combo's take real timing and precision in this game. "Ok, now a balrog question, when he throws me, he gets a free crossup with some kind of downwrd punch move that I seem to have to block. He seems close enough to throw if I mash, but I never get to and I get hit by a combo. Can I DP after he throws me and tries the crossup?" must be talking about Balrog's "walk through" follow up after his head but hold...right? They do the head butt hold, and when he lets you go he walks through you and ends up behind you...and you don't know which way to block or counter?? I know this all too well. This is one of the sickest things about Balrog. All you have to do to block it is block in defensive crouch but in the opposite direction. Blocking isnt the hard's getting out of the sick mind games that is hard. Since he is so damn close to you he can simple do the walk through, do a low jab and start all over with another head butt hold. You can counter it cleanly with a reverse dragon punch but you gotta hope that he sticks a limb out...a good balrog player might anticipate this and let you miss the DP and just counter you on your way down...see how crazy the shit can get?? LOL!! That's what I love about this game Oh, and don't be so hard on yourself about sucking at any game. We all sucked at SF at one time....practice will make you better, and playing old skool can only make you better since it's the purest form of SF around. Talk to you laters... JumpsuitJesse "You of all peepoh should know dat I would never in my life wear block-seelk honderwear!!" Jean Claude Van Damme: Double Impact Posted by Jinmaster on 02:01:2001 10:23 PM: Yeah, that Balrog thing was what I was akig about. I knew how to block it, but I was annoyed that he is out of throw range and my only options are to either block or possibly DP. Thanks for all the help man, could you either direct me to a a good move faq for turbo or tell me how to do fei longs super? Thanks. -Micah "I made a balanced fighter for you: Ryu-fest 2000. You can pick Ryu(with white clothes)!, or Ryu!(with dark clothes)!" Posted by Dasrik on 02:01:2001 10:44 PM: Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you can only juggle with moves that are new to the ST characters; ie. Ryu's jumping strong and super, Chun-Li's dp kick, etc. Is this right? Posted by JumpsuitJesse on 02:01:2001 10:46 PM: Fei Long's Super???'s a double fireball motion just like Ryu's super. Now are you asking hot to use supers in regular combos?? That my friend is a whole other world Let me know if that's what you are looking for.... I am at a training class right now so I may not reply for a few hrs....but I will check this out later to see if you still need help. Laters JumpsuitJesse "I ain't got time to bleed!" Jesse Ventura: Predator Posted by Jinmaster on 02:01:2001 10:59 PM: ACK! I know how combos work! Haha. I just don't know Turbo, and I don't know the characters well at all. So if I had a good FAQ to read I could learn everyone basic moves and super motions. You see, the only games I feel I can speak on are MvC1+2 and Capcom Vs SNK. Even then, My SNK knowledge is limited in that I don't know all the snk characters moves. I only use half of the characters. I hope that clears that up. Questions: 1)Akuma is banned, how do you pick him and what are the specific reasons(meaning moves/strats) that make him unbeatable? 2)Are there any known glitches in the game? 3)Who are the worst characters you feel are in the game? Thanks in advance, -Micah "I made a balanced fighter for you: Ryu-fest 2000. You can pick Ryu(with white clothes)!, or Ryu!(with dark clothes)!" Posted by JumpsuitJesse on 02:02:2001 12:24 AM: "1)Akuma is banned, how do you pick him and what are the specific reasons(meaning moves/strats) that make him unbeatable?" _____________________________________________ To pick Akuma in arcade mode you go move the cursor to Ryu and count to 3, then without stopping move to T.Hawk and count to 3, then move to Guile and count to 3 and then move to Cammy and count to 3, and then go all the way back to Ryu and count to 3...ON 3 you simultaneously mash the start button along with all 3 of your punch buttons. You'll know the code worked because you'll see Akuma's silhouette where Ryu's pic was at. Akuma is banned for several reasons. First, he does MAD damage. Second, his hurricane kick is invincible and has dragon punch type counter abilities. Third, he only dizzies for a split second. Fourth, he can jump back and throw air fireballs all day and teleport super fast to play keep away all day. Fifth, his air fireballs go completely diagonally across the screen which makes it super hard to get out of traps. He's a super overpowered fighter who is included in the game to play as a feature. Even scrubs can win with him if they get a good pattern down. "2)Are there any known glitches in the game?" _____________________________________________Glitc hes in ST?? I heard rumors that Gief has a glitch with his SPD that grabs you from across the screen, but I dont remember. The only glitch I have ever seen is Dhalsim do a yoga noogie and then let go and then grab you IMMEDIATELY after that for another noogie....there's alot of weirdness in ST but nothing that breaks the game like MvC2. "3)Who are the worst characters you feel are in the game?" _____________________________________________ The worst in the game? Man, the only ones I can see having a super tough time winning in ST are Cammy and Blanka. They are brawler characters with no projectiles and it takes super good tactics and precision to win against another top tier fighter in the hands of an expert player. Don't get me wrong, they do have a fighting chance, but it's a tough one...a very tough one. Some say T.Hawk is weak but after seeing how the Kuwait players use him I think he is a fighter to be feared in the right hands Anything else?? Oh, by the way...I dont know of any REALLY GOOD ST faq's out there. Atleast not yet. I'll ask Omni about helping me out with my ST Fei Long/Super Combo FAQ. JumpsuitJesse "Huge Buzz!" Egg Shen: Big Trouble in Little China Posted by Latinofighter on 02:02:2001 12:48 AM: So how was blanka played in that game? Posted by Jinmaster on 02:02:2001 01:47 AM: If you are still willing to answer, I will still have questions. =) 1.) During what frames of Balrogs super can he go through fireballs? The whole time or just the beginning? 2.) I noticed that my Sagat's DPs get stuffed by kicks for some reason. Now, if I pick old school Sagat, he will have an invincible DP but I won't be able to tech hit? Do the tiger shots go faster in O. mode? To choose him its down+up a lot while hitting punches? If O.sagat DPs next to New Ryu's DP, sagat would win right? 3.) This question you don't have to answer as it is irrelevant and is just to satisfy my curiosity: If your happen to be playing akuma vs akuma, what is the strat you would use? 4.) Can you talk about O.ken vs new ken a bit in detail? 5.) How do you approach dhalsim with Ryu and Sagat? Sorry for so many questions. If you get tired, let me know. =) -Micah Posted by JoelFrank on 02:02:2001 07:55 AM: quote: Originally posted by Jinmaster: If you are still willing to answer, I will still have questions. =) I'll give Jumpsuit a break and answer a few of them. quote: 1.) During what frames of Balrogs super can he go through fireballs? The whole time or just the beginning? The beginning is the best part to go through fireballs. You can almost go 3/4 screen using fierce, too. His Super surprises you sometimes... quote: 2.) I noticed that my Sagat's DPs get stuffed by kicks for some reason. Now, if I pick old school Sagat, he will have an invincible DP but I won't be able to tech hit? Do the tiger shots go faster in O. mode? To choose him its down+up a lot while hitting punches? If O.sagat DPs next to New Ryu's DP, sagat would win right? O Sagat's Uppercut is "more" invincible than New Sagat's but less than Ryu's. He also has less retraction time on Tiger shots than New Sagat(I think they are the same speed though). This means FB traps are more effective with him. No, he can't Tech Hit... but hey, its kinda hard to throw him anyway. quote: 5.) How do you approach dhalsim with Ryu and Sagat? Good question; well... with Sagat, its much easier. You can mix up low and high tigers to keep him guessing. Standing short is a good offensive move, especially when comboing into low tiger shots (O Sagat can combo the second half of his low short into low tiger). Use Tiger knee as a positioning move. Good to get into range against 'sim. Also, Sagat seems to throw more than usual in this match... just because he can. He also has the ability to dizzy Dhalsim with a few good shots. As far as Ryu vs. 'Sim. This is an interesting match. I haven't played in a while so I'm not sure I remember the strategy right. As a matter of fact, I think I usually lose this fight to a good Dhalsim. You need to know your ranges well in this fight - and precise uppercut timing is critical also. I don't think you can win the fight without uppercutting a limb once or twice. This way you can get in range and cross up. Mixing up with throws, double standing fierce rush punch followed by uppercut, and/or short spin-kick and toss/uppercut. There's a lot of guessing in this match. Whew... thats the most I talked about Street Fighter in years... hope I helped a little /forums/smile.gif Posted by on 02:02:2001 07:58 AM: Ryu's a good character in any SF type engine. OW, my hand!! Posted by JoelFrank on 02:02:2001 08:01 AM: quote: Originally posted by JumpsuitJesse: "2)Are there any known glitches in the game?" _____________________________________________Glitc hes in ST?? I heard rumors that Gief has a glitch with his SPD that grabs you from across the screen Hey... actually this was a bug in Super Street Fighter. Not Turbo. It was probably the coolest Magic Throw, and real easy. All you have to do is a spinning-pile-driver during the stage where you are recovering from a blocked hit and you will pile-driver them automatically, no matter where you are, unless they are jumping. This often means grabbing after blocking a FB from across the screen /forums/smile.gif It was funny to see peoples' first reactions to this glitch. Posted by sfr on 02:02:2001 08:59 AM: On my DC SSF2X you can pick Akuma by just doing the 3 punches + Start bit, none of the moving around you used to have to do on the arcade version... Maybe that's just VS. mode, I haven't played much arcade mode yet... Posted by Lukesballs on 02:02:2001 11:27 PM: quote: Originally posted by omni: The sort of accepted top tier is Balrog, Old Sagat, Bison, Dhalsim and Ryu. 2nd Tier is where things start getting really hazy IMO - but Vega, Ken, DJ, Guile, Honda, etc all battle it out for 2nd tier. I agree with you here Derek. Balrog, O. Sagat and the rest definitely take top tier. I would stick DJ in there but I think I would get flamed. If DJ is not lower top tier then he is definitely upper 2nd tier. He beats Vega with practically c.short alone, beats out Guile's foot games with his c.strong and c.foward, and beats out Honda with his fireball traps and crossup (since he CAN crossup Honda - ask Wilson ). IMO he goes 50-50 with O. Ken (for God's sake DJ, stay OUT OF THE CORNER!!) but can overall beat most 2nd tier characters. Comments? quote: Who used to be really good at the game? Umm...a lot of people are good. Mike Watson, Bob Painter, Joel Frank, Sam Kim, John Choi, Graham Wolfe, Alex Wolfe, Jason Nelson, Jason Cole, etc were names you always heard when the game was out. Now you always hear names like Mike Watson, Alex Valle, John Choi, Jason Wilson, Jason Deherras, Omar Deloney, Jumpsuit Jesse, Seth Killian, etc. What about Geoff Arnold, Derek Daniels, Kris G., and Bob Painter? Just kidding about me but Derek, you have a pretty good game in ST. Maybe we should start a ST combo post soon. I have been finding MAD links with DJ - crossup forward, s.forward (close kick), s.strong, double dread kick.... fun fun fun!!! Geoff Posted by Tiger Bones on 02:06:2001 05:46 PM: He beats Vega with practically c.short alone, beats out Guile's foot games with his c.strong and c.foward, _____________________________________________ i have to disagree here.. Guile verses DJ is a classic match up. Guile can no way just throw out his low forward but against DJ he can use his standing forward and his standing roundhouse to great affect. this is a classic battle truly. But i do agree that DJ is a top tier character. I have seen and used to use Tee Hawk to his cheating best,. till i released the error of my ways. he is a dirty cheatin character if you use his shorts into his super.. his super has no gap animation. it doesn't even come out if he's not gonna land it. and the amount of damage is atrocious. Posted by Tiger Bones on 02:06:2001 05:51 PM: This game has the most truly great classic battles of any 2d fighter ever. everywhere u look theres one supreme battle or another. where one mistake will cost you your life. the only thing that i consider wrong in this game are the two big grapplers Gief and Hawk being able to use their supers to cheat. if u land ur set up correctly the super will land and damage tremenously. apart from that though there are just too many great battles in this one to complain. it would be great if there was a super turbo section in this forum the greatest game of all time has its avid followers lol.. and believe me once u can do super turbo super combos any other games combos become a whole lot eaiser. Posted by tempest on 02:06:2001 07:16 PM: god just reading this post brings back memories , hands sweaty, and heart pounding when its final round both players have zero health aahhh god ole days. and reading from this forum things i never knew . well i waz scrub back then and stop playing fighting games period till like last year but ssf2t is still one of the best. well peace out. the biggest lie is the one you tell yourself over and over. Posted by omni on 02:06:2001 10:59 PM: quote: Originally posted by Tiger Bones: I have seen and used to use Tee Hawk to his cheating best,. till i released the error of my ways. he is a dirty cheatin character if you use his shorts into his super.. his super has no gap animation. it doesn't even come out if he's not gonna land it. and the amount of damage is atrocious. If you get knocked down and or let THawk close enough to you to ACTUALLY do standing short and he ACTUALLY has meter - you deserve to die. THawk is the best Tick into supers is a very legitimate strategy - and should be used as often as possible. Derek Daniels Posted by Latinofighter on 02:07:2001 10:04 PM: does blanka's super roll behave like it did in alpah3? or is it totally different? Posted by KINGDOM on 02:08:2001 05:12 AM: Uhm...question...I keep on hearing how M.Bison is top tier...would anyone care to explain why? I'm very interested in learning him. Thanks. Posted by FuguTabetai on 03:20:2001 02:04 AM: quote: Originally posted by JoelFrank: Hey... actually this was a bug in Super Street Fighter. Not Turbo. It was probably the coolest Magic Throw, and real easy. All you have to do is a spinning-pile-driver during the stage where you are recovering from a blocked hit and you will pile-driver them automatically, no matter where you are, unless they are jumping. This often means grabbing after blocking a FB from across the screen It was funny to see peoples' first reactions to this glitch. So, I would like to clear this up a bit too; it isn't quite correct. I used to do this all the time at the campus arcade at SMU back in the day. Anyway, Zangief can throw any character that is on the ground while Zangief is coming out of blockstun. You have to do SPD with forward (not short, not roundhouse, only forward works) slightly before Z comes out of block stun. The easiest way to set it up is to have someone through a fireball at you from across the screen, block it, and as the "dust" at your feet starts to settle, do a SPD with forward. If you get the timing right (it is pretty easy after a while) they will teleport to your location, and you proceed with the reverse suplex. When you got good with it, you could rip Ryu out of a blocked air-roundhouse, crouching forward (magic SPD them here) fireball combo (the fireball will come out passing through you as you suck ryu up...) Yeah, good times. Good times. Posted by Graham on 03:20:2001 03:29 AM: New Dhalsim New Balrog Old Sagat New Vega New Bison Old Guile New Ryu Thats the best characters from that version. Dhalsim being the best character, all of them are pretty close. BTW Alex and myself are considering playing the new sf game for anyone who cares. Graham All times are GMT. The time now is 10:34 PM. Show all 41 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.